Atlast Kerala People is going to escape from another public sector enterprise, whose employees were only good for eating the tax of hard working autorickshaw drivers and private company employees.
Hope kerala will have better electricity and lot of industries will be starting up.Those lazy employees, who never worked or bothered about the quality of their service to public and only good for getting monthly salary, will start working. And we will get better electricity
Miss management and Gross Work Safety ignorance my KSEB management
The below images will demonstrate where KSEB stands while comparing with modern energy companies

The Present services offered by KSEB to their customers
kseb online payment
Looking for KSEB online payment?? Those idiots never thought about phone payment also. You have to queue at open sun or rain to pay your bills. Even they never consider old people or disabled persons. When their time comes, they just stop taking the payment, and the old people has to wait under the sun until they come back.
We do not need this white elephant any more.
kseb bill payment
Go and visit your nearest KSEB office. There will be one window and you have to stand under sun for hours to pay your KSEB Bill. Do we have to keep them again to destroy our state and our future generations?. Since there was no proper electricity supply in our state our state is not developing